85% of photography businesses fail within 3 years...

Want to know the 3 keys to success?

Read on.

Urgent Message to Photographers

From: Cole, Founder of Cole's Classroom
Where: San Diego, CA
When: Thursday 1:22pm

If you are having a hard time getting consistent photography clients pay attention & read this letter as it's vital to your success moving forward.

Let me say something a bit controversial... 

1. The quality of your photos is probably not the MAIN reason you aren't earning income with your photography

2. You likely don't need more "courses"

I know that last statement goes against what most have been told or think the key to success is but I've seen plenty of "career students" get passed up by fast moving "up and comers" because of one thing and one thing only...

They weren't afraid to just GO and GET STARTED.

We live in the micro attention era where everyone is in a hurry to consume more mindless (but entertaining) content.

And guess what, that's already part of the reason why so many sadly FAIL at earning income with their photography...

It's because they didn't put in that little extra effort and as soon as they tried 1 of 2 tactics to get started with photography, they quickly got discouraged and gave up (or are thinking about giving up).

AND... the biggest contributing factor to their success was they worked with a coach so they always had someone to go to when they got "stuck" and needed help.

So if you currently do not have a vibrant, in-demand, profitable business...

First, realize you aren't alone and in fact, you are among the majority of photographers out there - not that, that's a statistic you want to be included in.

Secondly, if you've been focused on "learning" before "doing" - it's time to STOP that and you need to get started.

Third, there's never a "magic pill" course that will be the "cure-all" to you building a photography business. 

Fourth, you don't have to do this alone, and you shouldn't.... the real KEY to success is.

- Executing (doing the work)
- Curated Learning (having ONE place to go for photography education)
- Coaching, Community & Accountability 

You need to do ALL 3 of these... because you can have access to the best training in the world but if you don't ever act on it and execute the work, it's for absolutely nothing.

You can have the training and do the work but as soon as you run into a challenge, if you have nowhere to turn to for help.... you give up or keep doing the same things - even though its not working.

That's exactly why it's vital to have access to coaches who have "been there, done that"...

When you have access to coaches, you're able to get quick guidance that'll get you unstuck.

When you have access to a community with others who have the same challenges and goals, you'll get the support you need to keep on going rather than give up.

The problem is...

If you went to a local photographer in your market and asked them for coaching...
1. They usually don't want to help the competition and
2. Charge about $300 to $500 an hour

That's EXACTLY why I created Cole's Classroom Pro

Where you have access to:
1. Coaching
2. Community
3. Courses 
  • To take photos good enough to earn the respect & appreciation from your family, friends and other photographers.
  • ​To be able to earn "even just" an extra $500 a month doing something you enjoy, like photography
  • ​To be able to spend more time with your family vs. clocking in/out at a "boring day job"
The good news is

Regardless of if you are only looking to improve your photography skills OR if you want to start earning income with your camera - we can help (this is exactly what we do!)

The BAD news is

You aren't going to get results if you keep doing the same thing you've been doing so far - and it's going to take a "little" work.

Which brings me to my next question - are you already working with a photography coach?

Check Out These Amazing Member Transformations
What You Can Expect As a Cole's Classroom Pro Member
Q&A. Image Critiques. Exclusive Training With The Entire Mentor Team.
Access To $1,200 Worth of Professionally Produced & Easy to Follow Video Courses 
Polish up on your photo 101 basics with Cole as he breaks down the fundamentals into simple piece by piece lessons for all to master
Master the core of Lightroom - organization, efficiency & editing techniques.  After this course you'll be editing faster than ever before!
Over 4 hours of step-by-step instruction & simple lessons walking you through key concepts & techniques inside of Photoshop
Head behind the scenes with lighting superstars Zach & Jody Gray & discover how to light like a pro and make all your images look amazing - regardless of the location you're at!
Ready to pursue your love of newborn photography but a little intimidated & unsure where to start?  Over 5 hours of video training including a behind the scenes photo shoot!
The #1 reason photography businesses fail is a lack of sales. Having a good marketing plan is 100% vital.  You won't want to miss this class!
Lightroom has all kinds of hidden secrets & shortcuts, do you know them all?  Cole will walk you through his favorite tricks & techniques.
The best photography businesses are run by the best business owners, not necessarily the best photographers. Cole will break down the business concepts that you need to know - your photography depends on it!
Explore & understand what is truly capable inside of Lightroom with the slideshow, map, book & print modules - you'll be in for a treat!
Love landscape photos but never seem to produce the photo you have envisioned in your head? With this course you'll discover the key techniques that all pro landscape photographers utilize to produce stunning photos each and every shoot!
Rock your reception lighting with confidence! Equip yourself to know how to use your speedlite . Boost your confidence in any low-lit situation. Share the systematic process and steps that Zach & Jody used for over 8 years to capture beautifully lit images in difficult lighting scenarios
Take your creative photography to the next level! This video teaching series, brings you on the creative portraiture shoot for Andy Davis. You will learn how to light, shoot, and edit for creative portraiture.

Why You Belong in Cole's Classroom Pro
Cole's Classroom Pro is a growing library of professional photography video training courses coupled the friendliest "photo-family" community online you'll never have to worry about feeling alone or with a problem that you can't conquer with the help of myself and the pro-photo mentor team and 1700 new best friends. 
  • Unlimited Access to Entire Course Library – Get instant access to 12 complete photography courses. Whether you need help with the basics, Photoshop, Lightroom, Lighting, Off-Camera Flash, Business or Marketing - we got you covered!
  • Private Facebook Group - You have questions and we have answers! Each and every day this is where the action is at, where we are doing image critiques, helping each other push through specific challenges and more. Without a doubt, this will be your new favorite photo family!
  • Live Coaching Classes - Multiple times per month we’ll have LIVE coaching calls at rotating times & days to help make as convenient as possible for you but don't worry, all video calls will be recorded & won't expire, for you to watch whenever you want on your own time. 
  • Badges, Awards & Certifications - Earn & show-off your badges, awards & certifications that you earn as you complete lessons & courses!
  • Redeem Your Cole's Cash & Pick Prizes - Every month you are a Cole's Classroom Pro member you will be earning credits, increasing your Cole's Cash balance which you can redeem for all kinds of super cool photography related prizes!
  • Members Spotlight (Elite) - Each month 1 member will be in the spotlight & win $50 & be featured on all our online social media pages & official website - getting your work seen by over 100,000 people monthly! It might be you!
  • Themed Photo Challenges (Elite) - These photo challenges will challenge, motivate & inspire you to excel your photography to the next level.
  • Affordable Education & Flexible Payments - Pay month by month.  No contracts. Free to cancel whenever.
  • Members Only Exclusive Discounts - When you join Cole's Classroom Pro you will have direct access to our members only partner exclusive discounts page where you will be able to save hundreds of $$$ on your favorite products & tools.
This is EVERYTHING I wished I had when I was first learning photography!
Give Cole's Classroom Pro a Try - It's FREE!
The "Traditional" Way of Learning Photography Sucks.
Information Overload
There is no shortage of information available today on the web, the problem is knowing which articles to read & which to ignore.  Sadly, it's far too easy to read 4 different tutorials on a subject & get 4 different answers.

A simple google search of "how to edit photos in Lightroom" will bring you 2,270,000 results - can we say: "information overload"?

Join today & get instant access to our course library featuring highly curated & professionally produced video courses from leading professional photographers across a variety of topics. 
You're On Your Own
Being alone stinks.  It's common belief that we simply work harder & progress quicker when we aren't alone. 
Learning in groups is far more powerful, motivating & enjoyable than being stuck learning all on your own.

In Cole's Classroom Pro you'll have your own photography social network! Let your personality shine through with your profile & cover photo & join on-topic forums to chat with others taking the same courses as you!
Hard to Get Answers
It's only natural - you will have questions.  The problem though is the old way of learning online often leaves you having to spend precious time researching your own questions rather than having a place to turn to get answers.

Cole's Classroom Pro members get access to our very own top secret Facebook group, so you can get answers to your very own questions quickly!  
Not Centralized
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but sadly, most of us have wildly busy day to day schedules and lack much "free time".

While there is plenty of free content online, it's extremely difficult to actually master any particular topic as you have to seek out multiple lessons from different sources to get a more thorough understanding.

That not only takes away precious time but also isn't cohesive and complete.

I made over $60,000 in income...
all alongside of our 9 to 5 day jobs.
We did 25 weddings that year & things were only looking up.

My wife & I were paid to travel to some of the most picturesque places in world to take photos in Cabo San Lucas, Lake Tahoe & Zion National Park to photograph weddings.

Heck, as we did more and more work, our demand was rising as well and on two separate occasions we had couples chose to move their wedding date (since we were already booked) to a date we had available…

Life was good, not only were we able to save a significant amount of money to put towards purchasing a house from our thriving photography business, our dream of ditching our 9 to 5 and turning our passion into a full time job was becoming more and more
real by the day.
Looking back I realized one thing...
What's funny is: everything I learned over those years I could have learned in a
few short months...

...if I just knew what to focus on and if I just had someone to bounce my work off of. 

What did I learn? 

Mistake #1: Simply spending more time in the field doesn’t necessarily lead to better results & often leads to working “harder” not “smarter” 

Mistake #2: I wasted 3 years of time trying to learn all on my own.
The best & quickest way to learn is to learn from someone better than you & quickly show you what you’re doing wrong or what you need to improve on.

Mistake #3: Had I invested into my own photography education earlier on I would have been able to be leaps ahead of my competition and booked many more
photo gigs earlier than later. 

And that's why I put together Cole's Clique
Why I Am Doing This.
This project has been 12 months in the making, my motivation may surprise you.

Seven years ago when I decided to learn photography I had no one to turn to for help. I bought books & scoured online photo forums doing my best to dodge the prominent negativity & anger towards any "dumb" question. Self taught I learned through trial & error.  I didn't have a home-base to turn to for detailed advice or strategy when starting my photo business.  

I learned the hard way.  
The long way.
Not the smart way.

As the popularity of Cole's Classroom has grown exponentially, many would call it "success" and want to sit back & enjoy.  However, as Cole's Classroom has grown, I've lost the ability to give the same level of personalized help & answers to my readers that I once was able to do.  I enjoy the personal guidance & know you do too.

I want to give even more.

Cole's Clique has been created to be your home-base for answers, guidance, support & learning photography in a way that simply doesn't exist anywhere else on the web.  Trust me - I've looked.

This will be my new home where I can teach photography in a more personal, interactive & engaging way.  A way that I believe will get you to your destination the quickest with the least amount of road-blocks and frustration - and that's what I am here for.

How Much Does a Good Photography Education Cost?
The short answer...it costs a lot.

Traditional photography programs vary widely but most cost between $10,000 to $30,000 a year!

...ain't nobody got time for that!

Lucky for you, you can join Cole's Clique & learn from some of the most sought after professional photographers currently working in the field, while getting support & motivation from other like minded photographers, for the smallest of a fraction of the cost above.  

...and we'll have more fun too!
Availability is Limited. Only 73 Spots Left!
To ensure that I can give exceptional support & help to each Cole's Clique member, enrollment in this community is very limited.
Ready to Join Our Clique Today for Only $1?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Cole's Classroom Pro for me even if I don't have a photography business?
Cole's Classroom Pro is for anyone who is serious about improving their photography, not only those who have (or want) a photography business.

Cole's Classroom Pro takes learning photography to the next level from an engagement and interactive standpoint & combines it with a supportive & motivating community of like-minded photographers!
Can I cancel whenever?
Yes you can easily cancel whenever you want.
What courses are offered?
Refer above to see what courses are already available & ready for you to take but know that I will continually be adding new courses from various topics on an ongoing basis.
What will I learn in this course?
Cole's Classroom Pro isn't a single course or program.  It's a constantly growing catalog of professionally produced training courses, combined with an interactive & engaging new way to learn photography while being surrounded by a loyal and motivated community of other photographers.
Is there a refund policy?
Unfortunately there isn't since you instantly get access to our entire training library, however if you don't feel Cole's Classroom Pro is of value to you, you can cancel your membership whenever you want!
What is "Cole's Cash"?
You can think of "Cole's Cash" as credit card points where you earn credits (Cole's Cash) each and every month that you are a member & then you can redeem for awesome awards such as 1 on 1 mentor sessions with Cole & much more!